Finbond Group Limited

Contact Information
Rigel Office Park, 446 Rigel Ave, Erasmusrand, Pretoria , 0181, South Africa
Business Hours
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
Detailed Information

Finbond Group Limited is a leading South African, North American, and Latin American financial services institution that specializes in the design and delivery of unique value and solution-based savings, credit and insurance solutions tailored around depositor and borrower requirements rather than institutionalized policies and practices, with 594 stores globally

With Key Performance Indicators, such as the following, Finbond is not merely your average Financial Institution

Finbond Group’s aims;

To maintain social and ethical norms in all activities.
To always add value.
To supply solutions not just products.
To provide excellence of service.
To ensure consistency and constancy of the first four.

Finbond‘s identity and culture is centred upon achieving results. Finbond strives for excellence and is passionate about achieving goals. High goals are set and, once achieved, these become benchmarks for the future. All tasks are undertaken in a harmonious and creative way, constantly measuring results against the Key Performance Indicators.

Finbond is not focused upon making quick and short-term profits but sets out to build critical market momentum that will secure long-term rewards and sustainable benefits for all stakeholders. Our business strategy is to exceed our client shareholders’, business partner’s and regulatory stakeholders’ expectations.

Finbond Group Limited offers the best interest rate on your capital, earn up to 10.00% per annum. The ideal savings and investment account for investors and pensioners requiring a high, guaranteed rate, of return in the current climate of depressed low yields and declining interest rates. Interest can be capitalised or paid monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually.

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